I moved to germany, knowing i would be living near a pole dance studio
When my family moved to Germany, I was so happy to realize that we would be living near a pole dance studio. I have been doing pole dance for around 15 years with breaks along the way.
My family moves on average every 3-years due to my spouse’s work. Unfortunately, this means I don’t always live near a studio and I have to train on my own. This also means that I have had the opportunity to train in many studios and in many amazing pole communities along the way.
New state, new language - i was nervous
When I found Zero Gravity Pole Studio, I knew I would join. It had been many years since I had lived near a studio and I was eager to be in the community again. The only problem was I had to collect my courage first. To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. I don’t speak German and I had no experience being in Germany. I did not know what to expect or if they would even welcome me. Of course, it turned out I had nothing to be worried about. I quickly learned that all the instructors speak
English as well as many if not most of the students too. As a friend of mine from the studio puts it “English speakers are spoiled”. I still get embarrassed about not being able to speak German but not once has anyone made me feel bad about it.
Zero Gravity Pole is all about diversity
There is also a lot more diversity than I was expecting. Diversity in nationalities, languages, ability, gender, age, body types; and the community at Zero Gravity
has welcomed us all in.
In my experience most all pole and aerial studios are welcoming and supportive but I have learned that not all studios are equal. It didn’t take long for me to recognize that Zero Gravity is something special.

Zero Gravity Pole Dance Studio is something special
To start with it was immediately obvious that the quality of instruction is simply superior. The instructors have a clear understanding of technique and are able to breakdown skills for easy teaching. They also provide individualized feedback to students as well as the class as a whole.
I know it seems like this should be the standard at every studio but unfortunately it is not the case. Another thing that stands out is the instructors’ ability to safely spot students. Again, a skill you would think should be standard in all studios but is not. This is the first studio I have been to where I feel comfortable and confidant in
having all of the instructors spot me; even in risky skills.
What really sets Zero Gravity apart though is the people. There is something special about the support and friendships. I never feel self-conscious when I make a mistake or don’t get a move. Instead, we work hard together and always raise each other up.

Experiencing the German Pole Dance Community
I have also gotten to experience the German pole community as a whole through completion. Again, this was a scary at first. I didn’t know what to expect competing in Germany as a non- German. And again, I need not worry. It did not matter at all. It’s been incredible to be surrounded by so much talent, support, bravery and positive energy.
I found my home studio
After having to leave my home studio in my 20’s I finally feel like I have found a new home studio in my 40’s.