Many people say that New Year's resolutions are not beneficial. However, in my opinion, if they are approached and set correctly, they can be a positive thing to do. So, how about you try to divide your year into 12-week periods?
But first, let's start with the basics of setting goals. This can be done not only as New Year's resolutions but at any time of the year.

What Is Goal Overload?
Goal overload refers to the state of having too many goals or objectives, often leading to overwhelm and a lack of focus. It occurs when individuals set numerous goals without considering their feasibility or prioritizing them effectively. This can result in spreading oneself too thin and becoming overwhelmed, making it difficult to make progress or achieve any of the goals effectively. It is important to set realistic and manageable goals to avoid goal overload and ensure meaningful progress towards desired outcomes.
Change your approach to your pole dance goals.
To achieve your goals, you need to change your approach.
First, adopt a successful mindset. While this is a significant aspect of achieving your goals, it is just the beginning.
How To Make Your Pole Dance Goals More Achievable
The next step in achieving your goals is to break them down into smaller, more manageable targets.
It's one thing to state, "I will have a straight Needle Scale by 2025." But how exactly will you accomplish that?
When you have multiple long-term goals in mind, it is crucial to break them down into SMART goals.
SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.
How To Set SMART Goals
To begin, I want you to choose one specific goal related to pole dancing. Out of all the things you want to work on, select the most important one in the short term. Once you've decided on your focus goal, write it down. Then, set some realistic short-term goals related to that target.

These goals can range from small increases in strength to improving your flexibility. You can even focus on sticking to a new schedule. Just make sure to track your progress. For example, you can measure your splits using an app that calculates the angle, and measure your strength by the amount of weight lifted. Keep notes of your daily achievements.
Keeping a record of your accomplishments will help you stay motivated. It's normal to have good and bad days, and progress may not always be linear. Remember that the path to your destination may have twists and turns, but you're on the right track, so stay committed.
Now, you have a new specific short-term goal that can be easily measured. This smaller goal will feel more realistic and achievable. Finally, set a timeframe for your new short-term goal.

The 12 Week Goal Setting System - As Opposed to Annual Plan
To achieve the best results with your new goal, I recommend using a 12-week plan.
You can even set smaller targets for the end of each week to stay focused and celebrate the small wins along the way!
The idea behind the success of 12-week goal setting, as opposed to annual plans and goals, is that it keeps you from slacking off over a longer period of time. When you have a shorter timeframe, there is a sense of urgency to reach your end goal more quickly, which prevents complacency.
However, it's important not to rush progress too much, especially in sports and fitness where overtraining can be detrimental. That's why we have broken down our long-term pole goal into manageable chunks.
Having a shorter timeframe for your goals also helps to reduce procrastination. The 12-week goal setting system allows you to prioritize your most important goals and achieve amazing results.
What's even more interesting about this style of goal setting is that the results are often better than anticipated in an annual plan. You can make much more progress by the end of the year than you initially expect.
As an optional extra to stay motivated, you can have a buddy who holds you accountable. Having someone at a similar stage of progress and working on similar goals can be a driving factor in reaching your 12-week goal.
If you don't have a buddy, you can try finding someone in our groups who is working on similar goals as you.

So Where Do I Go From Here?
As a fellow pole dancer, I understand that you may be wondering about your other goals.
If your focus is on achieving splits, you might be concerned about neglecting your back flexibility and strength goals. However, that won't happen.
When you train to achieve splits, you also improve your mobility, which opens the door to new tricks and aesthetically pleasing poses.
Moreover, the stretching and strengthening exercises you do for splits actually benefit your back flexibility.
By adjusting your mindset as we discussed earlier in the article, you will develop a lifelong habit during the initial 12 weeks of working on your first short-term goal.
With newfound motivation, you can pursue your pole dance and fitness goals one at a time, just like a determined dog with a bone!
Once you have achieved a short-term goal, choose something completely different to focus on for the next 12 weeks. This helps to add variety and maintain your interest.
The beauty of pole dance is that there are numerous interesting goals to keep you motivated!
While you work on a specific goal, your regular pole sessions will help you maintain any previous targets you have reached. So there's no need to worry about losing progress.
As you set future goals, don't forget to take time to reflect on and appreciate how far you have already come.
So, what will be your very first goal in the New Year?
And what are you proud of accomplishing this year?
Let me know in the comments!